The Duggar, a large family that achieved fame

The worldwide trend is that women have fewer and fewer children and therefore families are becoming smaller every day. In the major cities on the planet, many marriages choose to have one child. There are also many couples who will definitely not have children because because they prioritize professional life and individual entertainment. Well, there is an American family that breaks all that trends: the Duggar, a family from Arkansas. Jim and Michelle Duggar have 19 children, are very religious and are against the use of contraceptives. They had their own reality show on TLC, "19 kids and Counting", it was very successful until it was cancelled.

The show was continued for the next generations, as several of these children were married and formed their own families. The Duggars are patriarchal, according to them women must be submissive. The childrens do schooling at home and they can not go out and have fun with friends. These principle are against American freedom as they seem to live in another time. The Duggars are as unique as they are obsolete, that is why they cause so much fascination and laughter in others. It was known that within this religious family there was sexual abuse from the brothers towards their sisters. They simply said that they were repentant of what they have done.


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